

South-CIO choosing Scutech as their April Event, complimenting Scutech’s innovative solutions

South-CIO, a well-known domestic platform for CIOs to communicate with each other, was founded by a bunch of CIOs who are enthusiastic about innovation and hopes that through which it can integrate various resources for its members. Recently, it has decided to choose Scutech as their April Event and visited Haitian Food (one of Scutech’s enterprise customers) in Foshan city to hold an on-site meeting.

Many CIOs and tech personnel have attended this event to explore how to promote informatization process of enterprises and discuss related technologies and applications of data protection.

During the meeting, the CIO of Haitian Food, Mr.Huang Shuliang first shared how Haitian built its information center. He mentioned that ‘Haitian applied big data technology to enhance data integration and data sharing so as to realize the upgrade and transformation of industry; in terms of data security construction, it should appeal to actual demands and ensure data security.’

Many CIOs have shown great interests in data security and backup. They commented that the significance of data has been well recognized nowadays under the context of informatization and internet, and it has become a must for enterprises to prevent data leakage and ensure data security. They proposed many questions and Mr.Xie Deqiang from Scutech answered them one by one during the meeting.

Mr.Xie also said that under the context of big data, the traditional way of data protection is complicated, low-efficiency and unable to verify data availability. Enterprises need a professional data protection product to guard its whole system. Scutech, as a nationally certified hi-tech enterprise, has been focusing on innovative data security and management since its founding; it is capable of providing efficient, flexible and secure data protection solutions for its customers.

Information security as the focus

The reason why Scutech is chosen as the April Event of South-CIO is that as data security has been attached more significance, a provider with independent patents like Scutech is bound to enjoy its popularity in the market. By visiting its customer enterprise – Haitian Food, CIOs can closely observe the help Scutech can provide for its customers.

Overall speaking, Scutech has a whole range of products that targets various aspects of data security. Its continuous innovation of products has also been highly acknowledged by guests present.

Mr.Xie Deqiang also expressed Scutech’s determination to further innovate and promote enterprise-level data protection.
